# Just Short It (damnit)! The most KISS single user URL shortener there is. ## To simply run Just Short It in a container run: ``` docker run -e JSI_BaseUrl= \ -e JSI_Account__Username= \ -e JSI_Account__Password= \ ``` ## In Docker Compose: ```docker-compose version: '3.4' services: just-short-it: container_name: JustShortIt image: environment: - "JSI_BaseUrl=" - "JSI_Account__Username=" - "JSI_Account__Password=" ``` ## Redis By default Just Short It saves all the redirects in a in-memory distributed Cache, which get's lost whenever the container restarts, so if you want to keep your redirects you wanna use a redis DB. You can confiure the connection to redis using the environment variables `JSI_Redis__ConnectionString` and optional `JSI_Redis__InstanceName` (it's default is "JustShortIt"). If you want to run both with compose, the most simple setup looks like this: ```docker-compose version: '3.4' services: just-short-it: container_name: JustShortIt image: environment: - "JSI_BaseUrl=" - "JSI_Account__Username=" - "JSI_Account__Password=" - "JSI_Redis__ConnectionString=redis,password=" redis: container_name: Redis image: redis:alpine environment: - "REDIS_PASSWORD=" volumes: - redis:/data volumes: redis: ``` There you go, now your urls survive a restart! # License and Attribution Just Short It by [Mia Winter](https://miawinter.de/) is licensed under the [MIT License](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License). Just Short It uses [Bulma](https://bulma.io/) for styling, Bulma is licensed under the [MIT License](https://github.com/jgthms/bulma/blob/master/LICENSE). Copyright (c) 2023 Mia Winter