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2024-02-20 11:23:42 +00:00
<img src="./Wave/Assets/Wave%20Logo%20Transparent.png" alt="" width="300" /> # Wave ## The Open-Source Blogging Engine ![](https://img.shields.io/github/license/miawinter98/Wave?color=green) ![](https://img.shields.io/github/forks/miawinter98/Wave?label=github%20forks&logo=github) ![](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/miawinter98/Wave?label=github%20stars&color=yellow&logo=github) ![](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/miawinter/wave?color=informational&logo=docker) ![](https://img.shields.io/docker/stars/miawinter/wave?color=yellow&logo=docker) ⚠ Under Construction ⚠ alpha-17 image available for the brave. ## Quickstart This docker compose file will give you everything you need to run Wave. See the following sections for explanations about the configuration and makeup of Wave. Replace <*_password> with generated passwords, just in case, replace your-time-zone with a sensible time zone for your users. For extensive configuration you want to mount `/configuration` to a location on your system. Afterwards you can access Wave on `http://localhost`. To see how to create an admin account, read the following section. Afterwards for security you should [Configure an Email Server](#configuring-email). ``` version: '3.4' name: wave services: web: image: miawinter/wave:alpha-17 restart: unless-stopped ports: - "80:8080" links: - database:db environment: - "TZ=<your-time-zone>" - "WAVE_ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection=Host=db; Username=wave; Password=<db_password>" - "WAVE_ConnectionStrings__Redis=redis,password=<redis_password>" volumes: - wave-files:/app/files - wave-config:/configuration networks: - wave depends_on: - database database: image: postgres:16.1-alpine restart: unless-stopped environment: - "POSTGRES_DB=wave" - "POSTGRES_USER=wave" - "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<db_password>" volumes: - wave-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data networks: - wave redis: image: redis:7-alpine restart: unless-stopped command: redis-server --requirepass <redis_password> --save 60 1 --loglevel warning volumes: - wave-redis:/data networks: - wave volumes: wave-files: wave-config: wave-db: wave-redis: networks: wave: ``` Note: when binding the files volume to a local directory, keep in mind Wave runs by default on an internal "app" user (`1654:1654`), not root. You need to adjust your directory permissions or docker compose file accordingly (or just slap `chmod -R 777` on it). ### Admin Access When Wave does not detect any admin account in its database on startup, which usually happens during setup, a message will be printed to it's server console, in docker accessible with `docker logs wave-web-1`: `There is currently no user in your installation with the admin role, go to /Admin and use the following password to self promote your account: [password]` The password is 16 digits long, navigate to `http://localhost/Admin`, if you are not logged in you will be redirected to the login page. Once you are authenticated and have entered the password on the admin page, the tool will be disabled and you will be a member of the admin role, giving you full access to all of Waves' features. ~~Keep in mind that the password is generated every time on startup as long as there is no admin, so if you restart the container, there will be a different password in the console.~~ Since pull request #3 probably stays the same. ## Configuring Wave Wave allows you to configure it in many different formats and in multiple places, and you can even use multiple of the following methods to supply configuration information. Please keep in mind that first, asp.net configuration keys are case-insensitive, and second, that there is a precedence in the different formats, so a value for the same key in two formats will be overwritten by one. ### Configuration Locations There are two main locations where Wave (and asp.net) takes its configuration from: The Environmen